5 Ways to Stay Safe on the Trails

Safety is the most important aspect of getting active and staying in an active routine. There are thousands of trail options in southern West Virginia and we want to help you to explore them all safely. You can view trail maps at this site, Active SWV Bike/Walk Trail Resources.

Here are the top 5 ways to stay safe when walking and hiking on trails.
  1. Walk with a friend, family member, or with an Active SWV Community Captain. There is safety in numbers.
  2. Take your dog or volunteer to walk a shelter dog.
  3. Walk without distractions such as head phones, texting, or talking on the phone. There is a function on iPhones to alert 911 by pressing the side button 5 times. Read more here.
  4. Tell somewhere where you are going and contact them when you are safety finished.
  5. Start your own Active SWV Walking Group at times and locations convenient for you. Contact our office to learn how to get started.