ActiveSWV Beards Fork Energy Express Run Club

Active Southern West Virginia completed its pilot Energy Express Kids Run Club at the Southern Appalachian Labor School at Beards Fork. Energy Express is a summer reading program developed and facilitated by the WVU Extension Service.

All kids that participated in the program completed 30 minutes of physical activity each day, as a part of the program, two of which were designated run club training days. The group ran laps around their track and played fun running games throughout the program to get ready for their celebratory 1-mile fun run!

On the last day of the program, Friday August 5th, the group completed their Fun Run and it was a great way to celebrate all of their accomplishments and growth through the Energy Express program.

The Beards Fork Energy Express group jumps with excitement in anticipation of the start of the race
Our Community Health Director explains the 1-mile course

A slight drizzle on the morning of the big run did not hold this group back from the enjoyment of race day! With great music playing, inspirational chalk on the track, and weeks of training, the group was ready to conquer their 1-mile challenge! The group started in waves and cheered one another on through the race. Those that finished first lined up to cheer on their friends who were still running and some even jumped back on the track to run with them!

The Beards fork Energy Express group holding the Active sign for a pre-race photo
Positive chalk messages covered the track to help motivate the runners
Beards Fork Energy Express group poses for a post-race photo with their medals
Kids line up to give high fives as runners are finishing the 1-mile run

Race Day at Beards Fork Energy Express was a huge success. Every kid was able to complete the mile and achieve the great sense of accomplishment gained from crossing the finish line.