Community captains
Southern West Virginia faces many economic and health challenges. Through our Community Captains program and with the partnerships and sponsors within the communities Active SWV serves, we can help people overcome common barriers that prevent them from leading active and healthy lives. Community Captains break down barriers to physical activity by leading free activities for locals in their own hometowns.
what is a community captain?
Do you want to be a champion in your community, encouraging others to lead healthier, more active lives, all while having fun? Then becoming a Community Captain may be the perfect fit for you. Community Captains help remove barriers that prevent community members from being active by providing free physical activity programs in their communities.
Activities range from walks, hikes, tai chi, yoga, stand up paddle boarding, rock climbing, water aerobics, and more. Activities depend on the interests of each Community Captain, along with the resources available in their local area. You can find free Community Captain led programs on the Active SWV Events Calendar.
principles and guidelines
- Active SWV seeks to welcome everyone regardless of ability or experience.
- Active SWV recruits and coaches first-time leaders, Community Captains, in a manner that is encouraging and educating.
- Community Captains are a representation of the organization.
- Community Captains are the key motivators of their friends, families, and neighbors.
- Community Captains do not judge anyone based on weight, size, shape, attire, knowledge, political or religious views, income, geographic location, or ability.
- The quality of life in southern West Virginia can be improved through the work of Community Captains.
- The safety of Community Captains and participants is the highest concern with any program, activity, and event.
- To provide thorough orientation to the work of Active SWV, its staff, your volunteering role, and the training necessary to assist you in meeting the responsibilities of your volunteering role.
- To define appropriate standards of our services, to communicate them to you, and to encourage and support you to achieve and maintain them as part of your voluntary work.
- To provide a personal supervisor who will meet with you regularly to discuss program undates and collect completed liability waivers and attendance sheets.
- To do our best to help you develop your volunteer role with us to be flexible.
- To reimburse the costs of certification that have been agreed upon by Active SWV and the Community Captain upon completion in exchange for six months or one year of volunteer service on a regular schedule.
- To provide adequate training and feedback in support of our risk management policy.
- To provide adequate insurance coverage for volunteers while undertaking voluntary work approved and authorized by us.
courses & certifications
community captains of the month

April Community Captain of the Month, Barbie Dobbins
April Community Captain of the Month: Barbie Dobbins Barbie is a race participant and program participant turned volunteer Community Captain! Originally from Hinton, WV, Barbie

March Community Captain of the Month – Jacki Wright
Jacki Wright is the March Community Captain of the Month. See below in her words why she is active. Tell us about yourself, where are

February Community Captain of the Month, Crysty Linkenhoker
Crysty Linkenhoker is Active SWV’s Community Captain of the Month for February! Crysty is a familiar face within Active SWV. For years she has been

October Community Captain of the Month, Megan Weatherford
Megan Weatherford is our October Community Captain of the Month! Megan is a momma, wife, and grammie of 3. She works for the Fayette County
search previous community captains of the month
building program awareness
Active SWV promotes Community Captain programs using four methods:
Active SWV creates and distributes monthly program flyers to a flyer distribution list that spans across Raleigh, Fayette, Nicholas, Summers, Kanawha, and Boone counties. Each month flyers are sent out to each county advertising free Community Captain-led programs happening across the six counties.
Active SWV has created an events calendar that is updated monthly. To find this calendar go to If you have any changes to the time or location of your program or need to cancel, contact the Volunteer Director immediately so that changes can be made.
Social Media
Social media is one of the most effective ways for Active SWV and Community Captains to promote free wellness programs. Facebook groups and pages are excellent resources that Community Captains can use to promote, share program details, and interact with community members. Sharing with already existing networks of friends and family is a great way for Community Captains to help promote programs. The goal is for Community Captains to have an impact by first getting their friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors involved in their physical activity program and then working to expand the group by inviting the wider community to join.
Press Releases
Throughout the month, press releases are sent to local newspapers, radio stations, news stations, and area businesses to advertise upcoming programs and events.
Want to become a Community Captain?
Every Community Captain receives leadership training designed specifically to help them confidently lead a physical activity program. Training includes CPR and First Aid certification, one-on-one program development, social media training, and ongoing support and encouragement from the Active SWV team. Additional professional training and certifications will be offered as each program grows.
Send applications to:
Community Captain Director,
Elizabeth Raney
Call: 304-254-8488
Email: [email protected]