Bridge Day 5k run

2024 Bridge Day 5K RUN Sponsors

Bridge Day overview and security guidelines

Bridge Day is West Virginia’s largest one day event with anywhere from 60,000-90,000 visitors each year. Base jumpers parachuting from the bridge is a huge highlight of the day. Read more about the full event HERE

Race Registration Fees and Benefits

The Bridge Day 5K RUN is limited to 500 racers!

Race registration will include:

  • Race t-shirt (if registered by Sept 29th)
  • Racer packet
  • Friday evening packet pick up at the Memorial Building
  • Race day packet pick up at the Memorial Building
  • Bus transportation before and after the race
  • Chip timing
  • Water station
  • Course marshals at every turn
  • Finisher medal
  • Finish line snacks
  • Race photos and results posted online

If the race reaches capacity, there will be an option to join the waitlist. Racers may receive a refund if there is someone to take the registration from the waitlist. There will be no refunds or waitlist changes after October 1st.


Bridge Day, West Virginia’s largest single-day event, brings important logistical details:

Highway Closure: Route 19 will close from 6am to 4pm on Bridge Day making the bridge impassable by vehicle. Choose your race day check-in location (either the South or North side if the bridge) based on your lodging/driving location the morning of the race:

SOUTH SIDE (Memorial Building): If you are staying or driving in from Fayetteville, Oak Hill, Beckley direction, select South Side during registration.

  • Friday Packet Pickup: Memorial Building –  200 West Maple Ave, Fayetteville, WV 25840. 
  • Saturday Packet Pickup and Race Meeting Location: Memorial Building (free street parking available in town).
  • Saturday, a free bus takes you to the start line; you run back to downtown Fayetteville.

NORTH SIDE (Off Rt 19 at the start area): If you are staying or driving in from Lansing, Hico, Summersville direction, select North Side, during registration. 

  • Friday Packet Pickup: Memorial Building –  200 West Maple Ave, Fayetteville, WV 25840.
  • Saturday Packet Pickup and Race Meeting Location: Near the start line on the North side of the bridge right side of US19. 
  • After the race, a free bus returns you to the start line area around 10:30 am. Then you may want to take the $5 bus shuttle to your parking area.

Why It Matters: The Bridge will be closed to traffic starting at 6am, so you will not be able to cross the Bridge by personal vehicle after this time. We need to know which check-in location to have your race bib if you do not make it to packet pick-up on Friday. Also, as mentioned above, SOUTH side check-ins will need bus transportation to the North side (starting line) of the Bridge the morning of and we need to plan how many busses to have. 

Questions: Email, and expect a response within 48 hours.

Friday packet pickup

Memorial building 4pm-7pm

Racers are highly encouraged to pick up their bib number and racer packet Friday between 4pm-7pm in downtown Fayetteville at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Building:

200 West Maple Ave Fayetteville WV 25840

Parking is available throughout town in free public street parking and parking lots.

Racers can also pick up packets the morning of the race. These packets will be placed at the designated morning check in location — it is important to have your correct morning check-in location so chip numbers are in the right location.  

South side Saturday morning check-in

Memorial Building 7:15aM

The south side of the New River Gorge Bridge is for anyone coming from Fayetteville or farther south (Beckley, Route 64, Route 77). Please email our office if you need further clarification;

We will meet in downtown Fayetteville at the Sailor and Soldiers Memorial Building at 200 West Maple Ave Fayetteville WV 25840. If you arrive before 7am, note that vendors for Bridge Day use the side streets by the Memorial Building for parking prior to set up. Please allow them the right of way.

Everyone needs to be checked-in with chip number and ready to load on the shuttle buses by 8:00 am to ride to the start line. When unloading from the shuttle bus at the start line, racers should move to the side of the highway where Active SWV staff and flagging will be waiting.

The race will finish in downtown Fayetteville on N Court St in front of the historic Fayette County Court House one block from the Memorial Building. The 2-hour street parking is enforced Mon-Fri during business hours

North side
Saturday Morning check-in

Starting Area on Rt 19 Saturday 8:00AM

Saturday morning racers can pick up race numbers and walk to the start line. The race staff will be set up with a table and balloons on the north side of Route 19 in the south bound shoulder just before the New River Gorge Bridge. A bus will be provided at 10:30 am from the finish area to bring racers back to the North side. Racers can also walk back from the finish to the start area. Racers and their families can not drive from the start to the finish or the finish to the start between the hours of 6am-5pm.

Racers coming from Lansing, Summersville, and points north, park in the Rt19 median or be dropped off at the Lansing/Ames Heights road closer. Check in is located in the south bound lane across from the Canyon Rim Visitor Center. Please arrive between 7:15 AM – 8:15 AM. Race line up starts at 8:30 AM and the race starts at 8:45 AM. A shuttle bus will be provided from the finish back to the start at 10:30 AM. 

Start line and 5K Course

The Bridge Day 5k is a point-to-point race. The starting line is just North of the New River Gorge Bridge (South side check-ins bussed across in the morning). Racers will run across the bridge, then wind through town streets towards the North Court Street finish line in front of the Fayette County Courthouse.

On-Course Tips:

  • Keep your race number visible on the front of your shirt.
  • It’s a running event only; no walking due to Bridge Day Regulations.
  • We discourage the use of headphones.


Course Details:

  • We aim for a close 5K distance, but slight variations are possible in a point-to-point course.
  • The course is on open streets.
  • Volunteers from West Virginia University Institute of Technology are out on the course to assist racers in the right direction.
  • Look for yard signs with arrows and “Active SWV” markings on the road.
  • Scout the route with ease if you arrive in town on Friday evening.

Finish line details

Historic Fayette County Courthouse 9:40am-10:15am

A giant red arch will display the finish line on Court Street (Rt 16) between City Hall and the County Courthouse. Racers need to pass over the chip pad for their time to register. This race includes a finisher medal and top finisher medals in these age groups: 0-12, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+  for Male AND Female.

Awards will be given at the finish line unless the weather becomes windy, rainy, or cool. In this case, we will move the awards to the Memorial Building. Announcements will be made at the finish line if awards move to the Memorial Building.

Please stay as you finish to cheer on all the racers. Racer times will be posted within 48 hours with Appalachian Timing Group and repeatedly shared throughout the Active SWV communication channels.

No Refunds

There are no refunds for those that do not show up for the event. We are unable to mail shirts and medals after the race. There will be one week following the race for shirt and medal pick up at our office in Beckley, WV. 

For questions, please email

Photos and social media

Please use the hashtags and tag Active Southern West Virginia in your pictures and videos!  #bd5k #activeswv #bridgeday5k #almostheaven #bridgeday

Area attractions and restaurants:

2023 Bridge Day 5K Sponsors


The road between the start line and finish line for the 5K RUN is closed to vehicle traffic and we would like to accommodate those traveling from both directions to the event. So, we are offering two options Saturday morning; a North Side check in and a South Side check in. Basically, if you are staying in the Fayetteville or Beckley area you should check in on the South Side. If you are coming from northern WV such as Morgantown or Summersville, you should check in on the North Side. Here are the finer details with maps:

The start line of the race is on Route 19 south bound lanes just north of the New River Gorge Bridge. The south bound lanes are reserved for emergency vehicles and commercial permitted vehicles for Official Bridge Day. When we start the race, all traffic is held back until all racers have exited Route 19. We are asking that everyone maintain a quick pace for this first mile. After the first mile, racers are welcome to take walking breaks. We will not stop the timing until everyone finishes.

Keep it simple! Small bags are allowed such as fanny packs with needed medications, phone, keys, money. Bags are subject to a search prior to the race. Clear bags are highly encouraged, especially if you plan to spend time on the bridge after the race per Official Bridge Day regulations. Learn more here.

Avoid Wearing Headphones.

The first mile of the race is through the Official Bridge Day event and awareness of your surroundings is important. The route into town to finish is on open streets with vehicle traffic. Racers need to be aware of their surroundings at all times while on the course. 

You can wear extra clothing to the start line and we will provide drop bags and transport your items to the finish. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please do not drop valuable items.

Due to Bridge Day guidelines and safety rules, we do not allow strollers for the 5K. 

We highly encourage the Friday evening packet pick up if you can make it. We will have the option for Saturday morning packet pick up as well, which will be packed Friday night to go to your designated check in location — North Side or South Side. Hence, the importance of indicating where you will be Saturday morning before the race. Friday pick up will be hosted at the Memorial Building from 4pm-7pm

MEMORIAL BUILDING address: 200 W Maple Ave, Fayetteville, WV. 25840

Yes! Please bring a photo of their driver’s license as permission to pick up their race chip number.

No, this is impossible as this is a point to point race and the road the course is on would not be passable to vehicles past 7am. If you will have spectators at the race, we recommend they be at the finish line on the SOUTH side. Note: If your family intends to be at the finish line and you are staying North of the Bridge, you will want to switch your check-in location to the Southside check in and be there before the Bridge is closed for driving (7am will be the latest time to drive across the Bridge until Official Bridge Day is over in the afternoon.  The Official Bridge Day gates open at 9am.) 

Yes, we will provide clear bags to leave items at the start line. These items will be transported as fast as possible to the finish line.

Yes, we would like to share some of our favorite West Virginia snacks with you; pepperoni rolls, home made pickles, and fresh Appalachian apples. Fayetteville is well known for local restaurants within walking distance from the finish line. Check out the Bridge Day Top 10 “Don’t Miss This” listed for unique yummy options. There will also be a Chili Cookoff in downtown Fayetteville from 3pm-5pm.

The timing staff with Appalachian Timing Group will post the full results online 20 minutes after the last racer crosses the finish line.  Photos will be shared in the following week on the public Bridge Day 5K RUN facebook page (not the calendar event page). Make sure to give that page a follow to receive updates!

You will have two options!

Option One comes highly recommended – Join in the festivities of Official Bridge Day and walk back across the bridge while enjoying vendors, taking in views, and getting an up close experience of the BASE jumpers. If planning to attend Bridge Day straight from the race, make sure to abide by the Official Bridge Day regulations regarding bags, strollers, etc. Once back to the North of the bridge, there are public Bridge Day shuttles available to get you back to your vehicle ($5 cash/person).  

Option Two – One free bus shuttle will be provided at 10:30am from the finish area to the North side. The bus pick will be at the Memorial Building – 200 W Maple Ave, Fayetteville, WV 25840. This bus will drop all racers at the Ames Heights/Lansing intersection. Once back to the North of the bridge, there are public Bridge Day shuttles available to get you back to your vehicle ($5 cash/person).  

Official Bridge Day is West Virginia’s largest single day festival celebrating the 1978 completion of the western hemisphere’s longest single span arch bridge, the New River Gorge Bridge. Commonly known as “Bridge Day” around the Mountain State, it serves as one of the largest vendor and BASE jumper events taking place from 9am-3pm. Take a look around the Official Bridge Day website for all the details.

The finish line will be on Court Street in downtown Fayetteville which is a 1.3 mile walk to the entrance gate to Official Bridge Day. You should have great parking since you were early for the race! If there are folks coming out later in the day, there are Bridge Day shuttle busses for $5/person making the rounds. You can see all Bridge Day information here and view the bus locations and rates here.

We ask for your estimated race running pace to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all participants. By organizing the starting line based on race pace, we can manage the flow of runners more efficiently, especially since the race is limited to one lane across the bridge. This helps prevent congestion and allows everyone to run at their best pace. Remember, your time starts when you cross the timing mats, so even if you’re lined up towards the back, your race time won’t be affected. Your estimated pace helps us create a better race experience for everyone!

Thank you!

This is a really unique race with every racer bringing their own story of running, relationships to the New River Gorge Bridge, and a united appreciation for the state of West Virginia. Thank you for being part of this with Active SWV.

Thank you to our volunteers, event partners, sponsors, event staff, and first responders. Your efforts contribute to a healthier southern West Virginia. It is a privilege to bring this event to Bridge Day with your support.