MemberPlus and InfoHub faqs
membership FAQs
Hello Active SWV participants! You’ve landed here to register for your FREE membership and we’re so glad you’re here! As program growth continues, so does Active SWV systems. To register for all Active SWV free Community Captain Program classes, you will need a membership. Check out the steps below and feel free to reach out to Active SWV staff with any additional questions.
How to sign up for your FREE Active SWV membership through the MemberPlus App and/or MemberPlus InfoHub Webpage
- Complete Membership Application
- Utilize the pop up screen or go to your email “Account Verification Step 1” to verify your membership account by entering first name, last name, and email address. Don’t see it? Search your email for “From [email protected].”
- Return to your email inbox for the next email titled “Login Creation Step 2” to create your account login and password. Create a user name and password.
- The password must be 12 characters long and include:
- 1 – Capital Letter
- 1 – Number
- 1 – Special Character (!,#,$,*)
- An example that meets this requirement is Activeswv2023$
- The password must be 12 characters long and include:
- Once you complete this step, you will automatically be logged in the the MemberPlus InfoHub Webpage Login. You can save this website as a favorite and sign up for events!
- You can opt to download the MemberPlus App to register for events.
I think I did the membership application, but I can’t remember. How do I get on the MemberPlus App or MemberPlus Info Hub Webpage now?
- Go to your email and search for From: [email protected]
- This should bring up the confirmation email from when you signed-up for the membership titled “Account Verification Step 1”
- Follow the prompts in the email to create your login through the MemberPlus InfoHub Webpage and download your MemberPlus App
- If the email from [email protected] is not found, you probably have not signed up for the membership yet
- If that is the case start here: Membership Application
Download the App (apple and android)
Choosing Your Password
- The password must be 12 characters long and include:
- 1 – Capital Letter
- 1 – Number
- 1 – Special Character (!,#,$,*)
- An example that meets this requirement is Activeswv2023$
- You then must verify it on the second line
- The viewer does not give you an option to see the password after typing. You must carefully match the two passwords without seeing if there is an error.
Forgot Password
- Follow this link:
- Click Forgot username and password
- Follow directions on screen and remember to meet the password requirements
Now that you have a membership, you need to register for programs!
How to Register for each Program (App and Web)
- First– Before doing anything else have you completed your account membership registration and created your login username and password? If not, start here:
MemberPlus App based program registration
- Open your mobile app
- Click ‘Events,’ you can then use the funnel/filter at the top right corner of app to narrow down your search and specify location and program type
- If you feel like you are missing events: select “Clear All Filters” to view all events
- Select Your Event
- Click ‘Register,’ choose 1 person (or correct number if adding additional minors who are already registered on your family account)
- Last, click the ‘submit’ button at the bottom
MemberPlus Info Hub Webpage based program registration
- Login here:
- Click Events (if you are using a browser on a mobile device, the side menu may be collapsed, and you click the calendar icon)
- You can view month view or list view
- You can click the magnifying glass at the top of your screen to search directly for a program
- Select your program by clicking on it
- Click the Register Now button
- Scroll to Registration Options
- Choose 1 person (or correct number if adding additional minors who are already registered on your family account)
- Last, Scroll to bottom and click submit
I can’t see my event
- Check your filter settings
- Select to clear all filters
How do I adjust my settings on the app to not see programs that have already happened
- The default view on your mobile MemberPlus App is to show all the programs that have happened, past and future.
- To adjust, click the funnel icon at the top, next to the +
- Then, click ‘Show Only’ and select the option you prefer (future, today, this weekend, this week, this month, or custom).
- Next, click the back button and then click the ‘check-mark’ to confirm your selection.
- The preference you selected will remain even after you close the app. If you would like to see a different view than what was chosen, you will need to repeat the above steps again to re-set.
How to register children for a class with your family profile
How to Login to MemberPlus Info Hub Webpage
- First– Before doing anything else have you completed your account membership registration and created your login username and password? If not, start here:
- Then Login Here:
- Use the MemberPlus InfoHub Webpage interface to get all your up-to-date information regarding Active SWV programming.
How to Login to MemberPlus Info Hub App
- First– Before doing anything else have you completed your account membership registration and created your login username and password? If not, start here:
- Download the App if you have not yet
- Login with the username and password you created during the registration login process
- Remember your password is at least 12 characters long and includes:
- 1 – Capital Letter
- 1 – Number
- 1 – Special Character (!,#,$,*)
I don’t have a phone with data. How do I register for a program with the MemberPlus App if I cannot access it when I’m at the program?
- In this scenario, the best practice will be to register to an event prior to attending
- This can be done on either your mobile device or tablet connected to wifi, or a desktop computer/laptop connected to the internet
- If you are not using the mobile app, you can sign in the MemberPlus Info Hub Webpage and login to access all your program information
- MemberPlus Info Hub Webpage Login
I don’t want to download the MemberPlus App on my phone. No problem! You can sign up for membership and register for programs from your computer or on a web-based browser on your phone or tablet.
- MemberPlus Info Hub Webpage Login
- Login in using the username and password you created when you made your membership
- Click on events in the left panel to access the calendar
- Browse through calendar and select program you would like to register for
- Click ‘Register Now’
- Scroll down and adjust your registration quantity
- Then scroll down and click ‘Submit’
Your two options for accessing registering for programs will be through the MemberPlus App or through the Info Hub Webpage Login. Either option will get you access to register for the event you want to attend!
MemberPlus App (Apple and Android)
- Download MemberPlus for Apple
- Download MemberPlus for Android
Info Hub Webpage Login
Walk In/New Member : Are you new to Active SWV programming? Not signed up for a membership or registered for a program? No Problem! You can still attend if you do not have the MemberPlus App or InfoHub Webpage membership. You will have to register and sign waiver to participate, but someone can help you through those steps if needed.
If you are planning ahead, you can go here and follow the membership instructions.
When you come to a program, please allow additional time at the beginning and the volunteer Community Captain will help you get signed-up.
Previous Active SWV Program User: We’re going paperless in 2024. Signing up for a free membership is just like signing the waiver, which we ask you to do every year. You can easily register for programs and events on the InfoHub Webpage online or in the MemberPlus App instead of signing that sign-in sheet when you attend a program.
MemberPlus App User: This is the quickest way to all things Active SWV. Sign up for your membership here if you haven’t already and then download the app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store to have our entire directory of programs at your fingertips. You would then just register for each program through the MemberPlus app for any you want to attend. It is helpful if you can do this prior to attending if you will not have data or good reception available. After the initial 20-minute member set up, you can register for programs in a matter of seconds.
MemberPlus InfoHub Webpage User: Have a membership, but do not want to download or use the MemberPlus App? Use this webpage login to see programs and register to attend. The interface looks similar to the app, but is not quite the same. You must use your registered membership username and password to login. Your password and username are not interface dependent, they stay the same in all locations. You can sign up for membership here, if you have not already completed those steps.
Staying Active with Active SWV just got easier! Stay up to date with the free Community Captain program schedule, sign up for programs you’d like to attend, have your waiver consent on file, all in one convenient app. Walk-ins still welcome.
Beginning in January 2024, it is Active SWV’s goal to help all programs and events to implement, either through the MemberPlus app or logging in directly to MemberPlus InfoHub Webpage, the new MemberPlus registration and sign-in system.
Active Southern West Virginia is serving programs spread throughout West Virginia. Streamlining our free membership process using the MemberPlus App and InfoHub Webpage login will help us continue our growth and enable us to serve an even greater number of West Virginia’s population.
We’re going paperless in 2024. Signing up for free membership is just like signing the waiver, which we ask you to do every year. You can easily register for programs and events on the MemberPlus Info Hub Webpage online or in the MemberPlus App instead of signing that sign-in sheet when you attend a program.
Active SWV has experienced phenomenal growth in the past year or more. Streamlining our waiver and sign-in procedure helps with the liability insurance for our Active Place Partners, gives the community captain an idea of how many participants plan to attend, as well as allowing us to be present in more WV communities.
The MemberPlus Info Hub and App streamline Active SWV’s program processes saving time for the organization, volunteers, and members alike. This will allow Active SWV to keep up with the phenomenal growth we have experienced and keep offering more fresh programming for our communities. Continued growth will lead to more programs, more opportunities, more volunteers, and ultimately increase access.
As a participant, your help in getting this process perfected will enable us to continue our mission to the highest standard possible.
In addition, members will be able to see all information about programs and events on the MemberPlus app and InfoHub Webpage.
Did we mention improved communication? Don’t miss a cancelation! Receive alerts from programs you signed up for. Sign up, get the app (or view your membership online), register for a program, and you will be notified if it cancels due to weather, illness, or facility issues.
This is the privacy policy that applies to our sites and our services. Active Southern West Virginia and GrowthZone (MemberPlus) have a strong commitment to safeguarding the privacy of our customers’ personal information. Personal information is information about an identifiable individual. Publicly available information, such as a public directory listing of your name, address, telephone number, or electronic address, is not considered to be personal information.
When you become a member of Active Southern West Virginia, we ask for information such as your name, organization name, and email address. We also collect the email addresses and other personal information provided during account registration and data integration. The information we collect is stored on computer servers that we use to operate the InfoHub and MemberPlus. These servers are in the United States. Personal information of contacts processed through and/or stored via the InfoHub and MemberPlus will also be held by us in accordance with this Privacy Policy. From time to time, we use these lists to promote our services. If you do not wish to receive such contact in the future, please click the “unsubscribe” link on any promotional email you receive from us.
The personal information we collect is used to provide our products and services, for identification and authentication, for the general operation and improvement of our service, and to respond to inquiries. This information is not used, shared with or sold to other organizations, except: to our service provider GrowthZone, as required to operate the Info Hub and MemberPlus and provide the products or services you’ve requested; to the applicable customer of the account in respect of which contact information is submitted to us; to law enforcement agencies, in emergencies, for internal security matters, or where required by court order or search warrant; or when we have your permission. We only contact our members in relation to operating the Info Hub and MemberPlus (for example: event notifications and reminders, membership renewals, security, and other notifications). Your personal information is not used or disclosed by us for any other purpose. We do not contact our customers’ contacts.
‘Session Expired Pop-Up’
If you receive a pop-up that your session is expired, please go to the menu list on the left side of your MemberPlus mobile app and log out. You will then need to re-login with your username and password.
If you do not remember your login and password you can select ‘forgot password’ to begin a re-set. Under How To: Login Questions on this page there are further directions for creating a password for the MemberPlus app.
Further MemberPlus app help can be obtained by emailing [email protected].
Email: [email protected]
Call: (304) 254-8488
membership sign-up
Join in three easy steps
- Complete a Membership Application online. Once you complete the application form, check your email for confirmation. Be sure to check your junk mail for a message from [email protected] with easy steps to complete enrollment.
- Create your membership login and password for MemberPlus Info Hub webpage and MemberPlus app. The password has to be 12 characters and include one capital letter, one number, and a special character. Something like Activeswv2024$ would work. The same login information works for both login locations. Log in to the Member Plus Info Hub webpage or MemberPlus app where you will find events and other information.
- Download the Member Plus app to your smartphone or tablet. That’s it, you are all set to register for our FREE Community Captain programs in January! See app photo below.