Free Posters for 24/7 Wellness

Simple signage as an easy way to promote healthy choices.

A successful workplace wellness strategy is made of several components: policies, services, activities, and education are just a few. Even posting signage around your work is one of the easiest ways to support any wellness program. This is a simple way to promote wellness around the clock. Posting wellness signage also helps set the tone for your workplace’s values. Employees and visitors alike will instantly see your support of healthy habits in the workplace.

Additionally, when you post signage in high visibility areas, you’re able to reach people in the moment when a simple nudge of encouragement could be the difference in a healthy or unhealthy choice. Those little choices add up. And that is how healthy habits are formed.

Request a free Active SWV Poster Set and boost workplace morale.

For all these reasons, Active SWV offers free physical activity-themed motivational poster sets at no cost for workplaces in southern West Virginia. Simply click the button below and choose your favorite posters. After you’ve had your posters a few months, we’ll follow up with a short questionnaire, asking you to share where you displayed your posters and what kind of impact they had on your wellness program.

Choose from a variety of themes.

Active SWV Poster Categories:

  • Stairwells
  • Elevators
  • Parking
  • Walking/Burn Calories
  • Physical Activity
  • Meeting Agenda
  • Motivational

Get your free posters today

Click below to view our full collection of posters, and submit your request form.

Active SWV’s physical activity posters campaign is made possible by grant funding from Try This WV and in partnership with: