Have you dreamed of becoming an Active Southern WV Community Captain?
Active SWV is very excited to announce our upcoming in person Spring Training opportunity. Two days full of the fun, excitement, and community building that has become the hallmark of this volunteer program. Learn more about Community Captains here.
Active SWV would love to add more free physical activity programs in any area of the state! Although most of our volunteer led activities have been concentrated in the southern counties, Active SWV is ready to expand. Training opportunities are available in any of West Virginia’s 55 counties.
Saturday March 25th
Day one of our Community Captain training will consist of National Park Service training with rangers, demonstrations from existing Community Captains (such as soul line dancing and yoga!), and a brand new mindfulness training session hosted by WVU Extension Service. Begin your own journey to better physical and mental wellness through this training. *Lunch will be provided on Day one*
Sunday March 26th
Day two of training will be an in person CPR and First Aid class. Become certified at no cost to yourself, and be prepared for anything during your volunteer experience. *Bring your own lunch Day two*
Email – [email protected] – to learn more

Community Captain Quotes
In their own words, check out some quotes from current Active SWV Community Captain volunteers:
“I enjoy meeting great people and empowering them to run and be healthy and help their mental health as well.”
“The success I feel is when someone experiences the beauty of a trail for the first time.”
“I have enjoyed showing life long West Virginians historic trails they were totally unaware of. ”
“I think anytime someone puts their health first is a success story, but numerous times this year we heard how fun working out can be, how they felt like they were making new friends, and that lab reports were the best they’d been in years.”
Volunteer Community Captains have been highlighted every month since 2015. Reach about their motivations, activity types, and success stories.
Check our website calendar to see what activities we already have going on, and see where you fit in!

Benefits of Volunteering
Community Captains are volunteers giving their time and knowledge to others to increase opportunities for physical activity. But it is also rewarding for the volunteer.
Social Benefits
Volunteering helps connect you with new friends and contacts, and can help increase your social and relationship skills.
Health Benefits
Volunteering is also great for your mental and physical health. It can counteract stress, anger, and anxiety. It can combat depression, and make you happy by increasing self-confidence and providing a sense of purpose. It can help you stay physically active and it is important to remember that even with limited mobility you can still volunteer to help yourself and your community.
Career Benefits
Volunteering can also help advance your career by gaining new job skills and valuable experience. Some of the most valuable skills that you will gain while volunteering is compassion, positive attitude, open mind, and willingness to do whatever is needed.
Family Benefits
Volunteering can bring fun and fulfillment to your life, so get the entire family involved. Children watch everything going on around them and learn from those experiences. Teaching them how powerfully beneficial volunteering can be will help them grow as a person.