We want your opinion: Help SWV become a bike friendly community

Calling all residents, employees, and visitors: The City of Beckley and Town of Fayetteville need your voice!

Do you live, work, or play in either of these communities? They want to hear from you. Both Beckley and Fayetteville have made the commitment to become more bicycle friendly. As part of this commitment, they’re collecting feedback from the public through the Bicycle Friendly America survey. Rate your community’s bike friendliness, and share ideas. Let your voice be heard. Take this quick survey!

Beckley and Fayetteville’s Bicycle Pedestrian Action Committees will use your feedback to prioritize initiatives for 2021. Whether for recreation, or necessity, we all deserve to feel safe however we choose to travel.

What is a Bicycle Pedestrian Action Committee?

A Bicycle Pedestrian Action Committee (BPAC) is an advisory body appointed by local government to advise decision-making on bicycle and pedestrian planning and policy.

What is Complete Streets?

Complete Streets is a policy that can be adopted by any community. A Complete Streets approach ensures streets are safe for people of all ages and abilities, and all modes of transportation. With this policy, communities direct their city planners to address access for all users when any right of way is being constructed or repaired.

Click here to learn more.

How do I make my town a more bicycle and pedestrian?

All you need to get started is a desire to better your community. Contact our Community Outreach Director Erin Reid at [email protected] to learn what steps you can take next and how our Bike/Walk SWV program can help.