New Year’s eve day marks the end and the beginning. It feels like the summit of a great hike where you stop to appreciate the view. You glance back at the steps taken, boulders avoided, and distance accomplished through smooth and rough terrain. There is a great sense of pride from the view at the top, but as you look ahead at the next peak, and the peak after that, confidence is gained from this first journey.
What happens in the Active SWV “hike to the summit” is people join in along the way and take the hand of their friends, neighbors, co-workers, church members to bring them along, too. Throughout 2015 our region was fortunate to have passionate leaders step forward and begin to prioritize physical activity. They became very impactful to the community around them earning a webpage exclusively for our Community Captains to tell each of their stories.
Now we gather our thoughts and the hands of our leaders to decent and trek on to the next summit. Today Active SWV has the added hands of new leaders reaching even farther into our region to lead by example. Join us in celebrating these individuals:
Fayetteville Community Captain Matthew Bailey picked up trail running within the last five years and has competed in ultra marathon trail runs. He will be leading the Fayetteville Trail Running Group every Saturday morning at 8am in Fayetteville Town Park on the Park Loop Trail.
Hico Community Captain Sue Slater works closely with the Living Well Work Group in Fayette County and has decided to start some programming on the north side of the river. Details on the Walking Group she will be leading in Hico will be added to the Active Southern West Virginia Bulletin Board Facebook group page and our website calendar.
Prosperity Community Captain Levi Moore recently became physically active after being in a wheelchair for two years and now that he sees the benefits of physical activity he wants to spread the good feeling. Be on the look out for more details on the Walking Group he will be leading in Prosperity on Facebook and our website calendar.
Hinton Community Captain Erin Clay is the new manager at the Otter and Oak outdoor retail store, is an avid paddler, and mother. She is excited to kick things off with Active Southern West Virginia in Hinton in 2016!
You can also join as a Community Captain. Let’s start the conversation about the simple steps you can take to impact the loved ones around you. Come to some of our events, promote the opportunities through your social media, bring it up in conversation with friends, and contribute to the efforts of making southern West Virginia healthier and happier.
Contact us:
(304) 254-8488