This month we are highlighting Kate Miller as the November Community Captain of the Month. Kate leads Indoor Fitness Bootcamp, a weekly program, at Ansted Middle School. She is a shinning example of what it means to be a Community Captain due to her positive attitude and encouragement to others to be physically active. Take a minute to read a little more about Kate and why she is an inspiration to others.
1. Tell us about yourself, where are you from, and how did you end up in WV?
I am originally from the flatlands of Northwestern Ohio, a beautiful little town called Archbold. I have been physically active all my life…my mother’s philosophy was always, “Go outside and play.” Luckily our neighborhood had roughly 20 kids who all were told to go outside and play too. My family moved 2 hours south of my hometown when I was starting middle school; and my new 8th grade science teacher was the high school cross country coach. He said that anyone who ran in high school would be on the Varsity team which seemed appealing to me at the time. So that’s what a did…I went out for Cross Country. Fortunately, I fell in love with the sport and was named the Most Valuable and Most Improved Player my Freshman year. I gained a ton of self-confidence from running. And to make a long story short, I started dating a guy who used to go to WV on rafting trips. My mother who had always wanted to go whitewater rafting found out, and booked a trip…my sister and I were her guinea pigs. Needless to say, we loved it so much that we continued to visit WV for years and eventually my sister ended up becoming a guide for Rivermen. In the meantime, I had gotten my B.S. from the University of Cincinnati in Sports Medicine; I am a certified athletic trainer. Athletic Training is an amazing profession but it does not warrant much of a family life. With that being said, I decided to pursue my Masters in Education because I am deeply passionate about health. I wanted to educate people on how to prevent disease rather than merely treat disease. Not to mention, I want to see others be their best so that they can live their lives fully; I sincerely believe that health encompasses that entire philosophy. Because you can’t teach health in most schools without a physical education endorsement, I earned a PreK-Adult certification in both content areas. After a month long road trip across the United States with my sister in 2007, I decided to settle in West Virginia (she was still a raft guide for Rivermen so it all came full circle) and I never left. I have been a teacher for 10 years, and currently teach health and physical education at Ansted Middle School.
2. Why are you active? How did you start being physically active?
I am active because I am grateful for the ability to be active. I am active because my body craves movement. I am active because it is a part of who I am…my philosophy, my code. I am active because I love an amazing challenge. I am active because of the camaraderie with others. I am active because I want to practice what I teach. I am active because it makes me feel like the best version of myself. *(For the second part of this question, see #1).
3. What motivated you to volunteer with Active SWV in your community?
I was motivated to volunteer with Active SWV because we have a similar mission. My passion is to help others discover their best selves through health, and physical activity is a significant element in that equation. I love the philosophy and the community of Active SWV, and believe it is such a positive organization for the region. I am very happy to play a part in their Cause.
4. How do you stay motivated? Why is being active a priority for you?
I stay motivated through a variety of ways. The camaraderie of others who participate in the Bootcamp program really helps me stay accountable daily. I also love motivational quotes for perspective and motivation. And lastly, the internal gratification of a good challenge makes me feel incredible. (Being active is a priority for me because of all the reasons I listed in question #2).
5. Why do you think someone should join an Active SWV free program?
I highly encourage someone to consider joining an Active SWV free program because it is fun! Not to mention, you will feel amazing. You get to try new things with like-minded people…and the programs are geared to all individuals. Win-win in every way.
6. Do you have any words of encouragement for people thinking of becoming a Community Captain or are interested in committed to become more physically active?
For people who are committed to becoming more physically active: Start where you are…there is no better time than NOW. Do it today. It will make a huge difference in your life, and everyone involved with Active SWV are here to help you accomplish your goals. If you are thinking about becoming a Community Captain, go for it. Not only will it help you stay accountable for your fitness goals, but it is extremely rewarding to be helping others.
Active SWV, the staff, and community are so thankful to have Kate on our team. She is enthusiastic about encouraging and transforming our community into a happy and healthy place.
Thank you Kate, we are so happy that you have joined our team!