Participant of the Month – Jacki Wright

A shining example of the health vision for southern West Virginia.

Active SWV would like to highlight Jacki Wright as the August Participant of the Month. Jacki’s journey with Active SWV is a great story to tell; a shining example of the vision for programs in this region.

Jacki started as a participant with Active SWV. She and her husband Jack participated in many hikes and some paddle board programs. When they first moved to the area they wanted to get to more into hiking, but were unfamiliar with the trails in the area. It was this reason they decided to join an Active SWV guided hike. Jackie said, “it is a great way to meet people and learn what other activities people do in the area.”

Jacki became more comfortable with the trails in the area and decided she would like to become a volunteer  Community Captain herself. She and Jack started leading hikes on trails in the New River Gorge, WV State Parks, and trails in the Piney Creek Gorge. Jacki has also volunteered at Active SWV Signature Events such as the Bridge Day 5K RUN, New River Gorge Rim to Rim 10K Race, and with the Youth Summer Day Camp.

One of the aspects noteworthy of Jacki’s story is she still attends activities as a participant. Most recently she attended the new Water Aerobics program at Black Knight Country Club in Beckley. “We love that she gives back to her community by offering free programs but also takes advantage of other programs and supports Community Captains by attending their programs. We love this type of cross over for our participants and Community Captains,” shared Erin Ellis-Reid, the Volunteer Director. 

Jacki is a shining example of building a culture of health and a network of healthy friendships. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to Jacki for her commitment, time, and effort to support Active SWV programs and her community. You are a ROCK STAR!

Find a list of programs and activities near you on the website calendar

Jacki will be leading the walking activity for the Beckley Full Moon Bike/Walk on August 22nd 8pm!