Community Captain Nicole Evans offers free Pilates
Nicole moved to Charleston West Virginia from Columbus Ohio within the last year. She discovered the new Pilates studio, Activated Body, in Oak Hill and started making the trip from Charleston to Fayette County last fall to complete the Pilates Instructor Course.
Nicole found a love for being active when she lived in Colorado and began exploring outdoor recreation. “I fell in love with body mechanics and functional movement. I was first interested in yoga and mediation so Pilates was a natural progression. The practice of yoga and Pilates helps me feel connected mentally, physically, and with nature,” shares Nicole.
Why volunteer?
“I believe a free program will help people find a stepping stone into trying something new in a welcoming and friendly environment,” expressed Nicole.
Nicole goes on to say, “Pilates is a practice of function movements to built strength and balance to feel better in every day movements and tasks. Attending a Pilates class can be therapeutic, similar to a physical therapy appointment.”
This is a great class to explore and educate yourself on how your body moves. By building strength in correct posture and aligned movements, the body builds muscle memory to keep you aligned in everyday activities.
Why try Pilates?
- All ages can join in a class together
- Improve balance to reduce chances of falling and injuries
- Build strength for recreation and family activities
- Improve posture to reduce back and knee pain
- Be active to improve mood, metabolism, and sleep
- It’s FREE! And available locally

Weekly program offered
September Fridays 6pm *except 9/3/2021
Active SWV website calendar
Join Community Captains Angie Corwin and Nicole Evans for a free mat Pilates. Participants will use yoga mats with all the instructions provided.
Pilates can be modified for almost all physical abilities. Our Pilates class is beginner friendly and led by a certified, local Pilates instructor. Pilates can help you improve posture, increase joint mobility and muscle activation, and potentially reduce joint and muscle pain with ongoing practice. Mats will be provided or bring your own. All you need is comfortable clothes that allow you freedom of movement, and a water bottle.
Please fill out the waiver.
Covid-19 Awareness:
The volunteers, participants, and partners acknowledges and understands that exposure to disease- causing organisms, such as COVID-19, and personal contact with others, including but not limited to participants, non-participants, organizers, volunteers, onlookers and other individuals in the activity/program involves a certain degree of risk that could result in illness, permanent disability or death. The participant acknowledges that Active SWV has not screened or tested any of the participants for such diseases. After fully and carefully considering all the potential risks involved, The participant hereby assume the same and agree to release and hold harmless Active SWV and its employees, officers, agents, volunteers, vendors and contractors from and against all claims and liability resulting from exposure to disease- causing organisms such as COVID-19.
Volunteers and participants should not attend group programs if experiencing any of the following.
• Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?
• Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat?
• Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours?
• Have you had new loss of taste or smell?
• Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours
If a participant has any primary or secondary symptoms during the above stated time frame they will be asked not to participate in the program.
Active SWV will encourage supervisors, participants, and spectators, to wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including appropriate face coverings, as recommended by each county health department. Further, to the greatest extent possible, encourage participants wear appropriate PPE, including appropriate face coverings when not actively participating. They may remove face coverings while participating and maintaining 6ft of distance from others, when recommended by each county health department.https://dhhr.wv.gov/COVID-19/Pages/default.aspx
Staying physically active, socially connected, and nourished is vital to a healthy quality of life. We encourage you to continue safely attending programs and building a routine for an active lifestyle.