Community Captain of the Month is Cynthia McGill of Nitro, WV
Cynthia McGill is a lifelong resident of Nitro, WV. She is on the Nitro City Council, and leads the Active SWV Intro to Tai Chi class at West Sattes Community Center. Intro to Tai Chi offers movement opportunities for every skill level and body type. The moves can even be modified to do while seated.
Cynthia states that she has been active all of her life. She cannot remember a time when she was not active. She even describes getting stares at the grocery store when she remembers to move something that she may need to move at that time. Her motto is “To be a healthy senior, be a healthy junior.” So, to ensure that her body remains healthy throughout the aging process, Cynthia puts an emphasis on movement every day. “As long as you’re moving something at all times, ” is another of Cynthia’s mottos.
Cynthia began volunteering for Active SWV because she heard about the free programming on social media, and thought her community could benefit from programs being offered in the West Sattes Community Center. The center is part of the City of Nitro, and has multiple resources for the community, including a food pantry.
To see when Cynthia has classes, you can join the Get Active in Nitro Facebook group, or check out our Active SWV website calendar.
If you would like to bring free physical activity programming to your own community, email [email protected] to get involved.