Capacity Funding Opportunities Open Now
Each year, Active SWV opens its application process for capacity funding grants! These funds can be used to help organizations create a lasting culture of physical and mental well being throughout the life of the organization.
The $1,500 grant funds can be used to focus on Policy, System, and Environmental changes that create lasting and equitable wellbeing opportunities for the organization. For some ideas on how to create a culture of wellbeing at your workplace, check our grant awardees blog and see what our member organizations are up to in 2022!
Policy changes include WRITTEN changes that last for the lifetime of the organization. These often take upper level management commitment and are one of the biggest pillars to creating lasting change. Examples would include written policies to include 15 minutes of paid activity time per shift, written policies banning smoking on campus, and creating written policies to increase healthy food and drinks at meetings or in the office.
System changes are similar to Policy changes but aren’t written, leaving them to be more flexible to change over time to fit the needs of the organization. System changes also often include educational aspects like lunch and learns, posted signage to increase activity and awareness, and inner office fitness challenges like step challenges or water drinking contests.
Any physical change in the workplace that has a positive effect on wellness will be considered an environmental change. This can include shifting smoking stations to be further from the workplace, adding healthier foods or water options to the workplace, creating walking trails around the business, and anything else that changes the physical environment to be conducive to healthier living.
Why grant funding matters
One of the most common reasons for an organization skipping out on Workplace Wellness is a lack of funding. Often times, a business will want to add some type of Workplace Wellness initiative but lack the funding to make it either sustainable, equitable, or long lasting. In taking advantage of the Active SWV funding, businesses can have peace of mind to create physical and mental health initiatives for their workplace that are funded and supported by the Active SWV Workplace Wellness Director.
More information
Active SWV currently has their grant funding opportunity opened for open application. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please reach out to the Active SWV Workplace Wellness Director, Michael Fisher at [email protected] or 304.254.8488. To apply for grant funding, check out our landing page here.