New to Active Southern WV free programs? This is how it works!
Whether you are a new or seasoned Active SWV participant, you know that volunteer Community Captains offer free physical activity programs to their communities. From indoor programs like REFIT and pickleball, to outdoor walking, running, hiking, and stand up paddle boarding, staying active is easy and free thanks to an army of Active SWV Community Captain volunteers. Anybody is welcome and encouraged to attend these free programs, regardless of your experience level.
Participation in Active SWV’s free programs does require two things of you: we ask that you fill out a waiver form before participating, and record your name on the designated sign-in sheet each time you attend a program.
Active SWV’s waiver can be found online here. The waiver needs to be completed yearly by adults and children alike. All information collected through the online waiver form is stored in a secure and HIPAA compliant software, and Active SWV doesn’t share this information with anyone. Having all participants complete the waiver form gives Active SWV the ability to provide our volunteers and venue spaces with a general liability policy. The waiver is an integral part of the Active SWV’s free programming model. When you visit an Active SWV free program, you may be asked by the Community Captain if you have completed our waiver. If you haven’t, they may have paper copies or a QR code that can be scanned on your cell phone. Completing and submitting one waiver, either electronically or on paper, is your ticket to a world of fun, free, community based physical activity!
The next component required of participants is the program sign-in sheet. Once you have completed the waiver, each Community Captain keeps a record of attendance at their program in the form of a sign-in sheet. When attending any Community Captain program, participants are required to legibly write their name on the sign in sheet at each program session they attend. These sign in sheets are used to help us show growth and secure funding through grant programs. Funding from those grants in turn helps us purchase equipment and supplies needed for programs, thus coming back around full circle to the volunteers and participants.
Thank you to all Active SWV participants – you are what make this work worthwhile! Your smiles, showing up time and again, give the Community Captains and staff at Active SWV something to look forward to!
And, if you’ve never attended a free Community Captain program, what are you waiting for? All programs are designed to be free, fun, and in your community!
Browse our website calendar here to see what our Community Captains have to offer. New programs are added on a monthly cycle, so check back often for updates. Your only problem will be deciding which programs to attend!