Active Places: Hiking to Better Health

Embrace the Beauty of Fall

As summer fades into the past and the trees prepare for their vibrant October autumn transformation, southern West Virginia unveils its true splendor. The fall season, with its crisp air and a kaleidoscope of changing leaves, beckons outdoor enthusiasts to lace up their hiking shoes and hit the trails. And what better way to embrace the beauty of fall than by joining the welcoming community of hikers at Active SWV? 

In this season of change, nature adorns itself with a palette of warm colors. The leaves transition from their verdant greens to a mesmerizing array of reds, oranges, yellows, and browns. The air carries the unmistakable scent of autumn, a blend of fallen leaves and earth, providing a refreshing and invigorating experience as you traverse the winding and rolling paths. 

Community-Led Hikes 

At Active SWV, community is at the heart of our hiking adventures. Our Community Captains, like Becky, Jessica, Anne, Lynn, and more are passionate individuals who lead hikes not just as a way to explore the natural beauty around us, but also to foster a sense of togetherness. Hiking in a group offers not only the chance to witness the magic of fall but also to share stories, laughter, and a sense of accomplishment with fellow hikers. 

Diverse Trails, Diverse Experiences 

Be it the serene trails of Greenbrier County, the Clendenin Elk River trail, the iconic paths of the New River Gorge National Park, or the picturesque Babcock State Park, each hike presents a unique opportunity to witness West Virginia’s natural wonders. The shared experience of hiking amidst the October beauty forms lasting bonds and creates memories that linger long after the season has passed. 

Calling All Nature Enthusiasts

Are you ready to embrace the fall season and explore the stunning trails of West Virginia? Active SWV invites you to join our community of adventurers. Check our monthly Community Captain website calendar to find hikes near you. And why not take a step further? Become a Community Captain and lead a hike at your favorite trail. Sharing your love for nature and guiding others through the stunning landscapes is a rewarding way to give back to the community. 

Explore the Unique Places of West Virginia 

West Virginia is a treasure trove of unique and beautiful places waiting to be explored with others. From the rolling hills to the majestic mountains, the state offers a diverse array of landscapes that are best experienced in the company of fellow outdoor enthusiasts. Discover the hidden gems, witness the changing seasons, and create unforgettable memories with friends old and new.

This fall, let’s breathe in the crisp, invigorating air and revel in the breathtaking colors of autumn. Join the Active SWV community, and together, let’s explore the unparalleled beauty of West Virginia’s trails. There’s a hike for everyone, and countless adventures await. See you on the trails!

  • Check out our trail resources page here .
  • Looking for the best views in the area? Click here 
  • Looking for stroller friendly trails? Click here 
  • Interested in becoming a Community Captain and leading your own hikes? Click here to learn more.