Spring Kids Run Club Wrap-up

Breaking Records – Spring 2024 Kids Run Clubs

Spring 2024 was officially the biggest Kids Run Club season yet, with 36 participating clubs, 1113 participants, and over 80 volunteers across 13 counties.

The Kids Run Club program gives schools the program curriculum, support, and funding they need to start or continue a Kids Run Club. The program teaches kids healthy skills, builds their confidence in physical activity, and gives them a chance to be active in a structured and safe environment. Many elementary schools in West Virginia either offer no school sports or have limited opportunities, and the Kids Run Club program aims to fill this gap as a free activity option for schools to adopt for their kids. 

Thank You, Kids Run Club Coaches!

The Kids Run Club program is a volunteer led initiative, and none of this would be possible without the teachers, parents, and community members that put in the time and effort to make the program possible at their schools. Hear what some of our amazing Kids Run Club coaches had to say this season:

“Our kids gained physical stamina in run club and had a great time socially.” – Shellie Simpson, Mercer Elementary

“Yes, a lot of kids by the end could run without stopping or fewer breaks.” – Corella Beasley, Crescent Elementary

“The program has encouraged our kids to want to run more and do fun activities outside.” – Eugenia Jones, Melrose Elementary

“I have noticed kids telling me they went home and ran on days where we did not meet.” – Nathaniel Evans, Berlin McKinney Elementary

“I enjoyed the experience and loved getting students moving first thing in the morning. I would volunteer again. Many of my students were 3rd graders who are already asking about next year. The desire is there and providing a safe place for them to participate is key to them continuing physical activity.” – Kids Run Club coach

“More kiddos that were apprehensive have said they have been more active since joining the club. They are not intimidated about being active in front of other students or boys/girls. They tried everything we asked them to!” – Stephanie Cummings, North Elementary School

Upcoming Kids Run Club Opportunities

Spring may be coming to an end, but the Kids Run Club program is gearing up for summer and fall. See how you can get involved:

Summer 2024

Active SWV is partnering with WVU Energy Express for the second year in a row to bring the Kids Run Club program to all 47 Energy Express sites all around WV this summer. Active SWV will train all the Energy Express AmeriCorps volunteers to facilitate the program, so all kids who participate can stay active during their time at Energy Express. Learn more about the Energy Express program here. 

Fall 2024

The Fall Kids Run Club Mini-grant cycle will launch in August for schools to start or continue the program in the fall. When it’s live, the Mini-grant application can be found on our website here. Questions about the program? Email us at [email protected]!

Stay Busy with other FREE Active SWV activities and Events

Active SWV offers a variety of free programs available to everyone in the community. Through signing up for a free membership, adults, kids, and families can browse program offerings, register in advance, and be notified of program announcements, changes, or cancellations. 

Learn more and get your free membership here.

See a full list of program offerings on our calendar here.

Sign up for an Active SWV fundraiser event to support the Kids Run Club program! Proceeds from our Active SWV Races event directly support the program. Learn more and register here.