September Participant of the Month, Lily Dyer

Active SWV September Participant of the Month is Lily Dyer

Lily is an Oak Hill resident and native.  She has begun participating with Active SWV’s weekly “Roll Out” which can be skating with any type of wheels. 

Lily is active because it is fun. She loves to learn new skills and gain new abilities.  Once she has the basics, she challenges herself to be better at them. 

Lily has been active all her life, and she remembers trying on her big sister’s skates when she was a toddler.  Watching her older siblings participate in being active moved Lily into an active lifestyle.  Lily’s first organized physical activity was cheering for a local basketball league as a pre-schooler. 

Lily stays motivated to stay active because she does things that she loves. She says, “I try new things and when I find one I really like, that joy I get keeps me going.”  Lily also says that positive feedback from her family helps her stay active because she likes when they are impressed with her hard work. 

Being active is a priority for Lily because it makes her healthy. “I can feel the difference from times I am not active and how much better I feel when I get moving,“says Lily. Staying active keeps life more interesting than being on a device or screen.

Lily suggests that everyone should join an ActiveSWV free program because it is so much fun. There are many choices and they are free, and you can participate as a beginner or advanced.  She says, “There is something you will love.” 

Lily says that she loves being in the skating group because it has helped her overcome her fears, she has gained new confidence, learned new tricks, and has met great people and made friends.  

Would you like to join an Active SWV free program like Lily? Check out the website calendar for more details on what is going on in your community.