Active SWV supports increasing places for safe, accessible, and free physical activity for communities in West Virginia. The Active Places program sources locations where our Community Captains can lead free activity programs for the community.

2022 active places pilot sites
In 2022, Active SWV awarded mini-grants to five community organizations or agencies in West Virginia.
The grant funds are intended to support safe places for people to be active for free. The awardee agrees to provide access to a volunteer Community Captain to lead a physical activity on their property on a weekly basis for free for up to 2 years. The $1,000 grant funds can be used to help offset the costs with utilities, cleaning, security, and supplies for the public to access. The awardee also agrees to provide safe outdoor space available to the public at any time for physical activity use. This is a pilot program in partnership with the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services. Volunteer and participant data is securely collected and stored with the West Virginia University Office of Health Services Research.
The five awarded 2022 Active Places sites are:
Sprouting Farms, Summers County
Raleigh County Parks and Recreation
Fayette County Parks and Recreation
Raleigh County Community Action Association
The Gateway Center in Smithers, Fayette County

Become an Active place
Active SWV is always looking for new spaces to hold free Community Captain programs. Do you want more things to do in your community? Or do you own a business with some extra indoor (or outdoor!) space?
If you partner with Active SVW to share your space, you’ll receive some venue partner perks like:
- Promotional consideration listing with links and content on our webpage and social media
- Liability coverage
- Trained volunteer Community Captains leading programs at your facility
- Your business will receive increased visibility in the community
- Tax receipt for cost of use/donation
- A written agreement for use and access of the space
Partnering with Active SWV in this capacity will also make your space eligible to apply for the Active Places funding explained above.
Get ready to make a positive change in your community! Fill out the Active Places Venue Partner form here.
Active PLaces Resources
There are so many great places and ways to be active in our communities throughout West Virginia. Visit the pages below for more resource on how to get moving in your area.

Leave No Trace Feature: Summersville Lake
Since 2010, Leave No Trace (LNT) has hosted over 100 hot spots around the country with a focus on protecting the National Parks we recreate in. In August of 2022, LNT joined forces with the Access Fund, Mountain Lake Campground, the Army Core of Engineers, the New River Alliance of Climbers, and Active SWV to host a weekend of stewardship and data collection around Summersville Lake to create one of 11 Hot Spots with LNT in 2022. This partnership was the first time LNT has worked with the Army Core of Engineers.
Stakeholders in the community met with LNT to discuss issues around the lake, to tour the site, host volunteer litter clean ups, and to pass along information about LNT practices to the public. This three day tour of the lake gave the LNT staff information to create a master plan of action to combat litter, erosion, and vandalism at the lake.
LNT utilized the ” Every Park ” rubric to grade the lake. This grading system is based on a national standard of land protection and implementation. Using the results of this survey, LNT has been able to create a master plan of action to assist in keeping the park up to the highest standards.
We are still waiting for the finalized master plan, but the following immediate actions were suggested:
- Creation of a LNT committee for the lake.
- Increase LNT volunteer training.
- Increase online cross posting with LNT and other partners.
- Army Core to provide more litter stations and trash bags.
- Increased signage across route 19.
Fifth major heading
Help your community grow
Through becoming involved with Active SWV, you can help your community become a healthier place to live, work, and play!

To become an Active Place with Active SWV, email to get started.