Thank you for the interest in starting the Active Southern West Virginia Workplace Wellness program at your place of employment. You are probably curious to learn more about the Why, How, Who, What, and When of the program. Let’s go through each of those to give you the tools to share with your wellness committee (who?), supervisors, and staff.
There are many benefits to improving the work environment towards healthier policies and practices. Here are some statistics from Audrey Tillman EVP Corporate Sales, Aflac;
The indirect costs of poor health, such as an absence from work and reduced work productivity, can result in two or three times the amount of direct medical costs.
One-fourth of health care costs incurred by working adults are attributed to changeable health risks, such as tobacco use, diet, and lack of exercise.
A comprehensive analysis of 42 published studies of work-site health promotion programs showed that companies that implemented an effective wellness program realized significant cost reductions and financial gains, including:
An average of 28 percent reduction in sick days
An average of 26 percent reduction in health costs
An average of 30 percent reduction in workers’ compensation and disability management claims
An average $5.93 to $1 savings-to-cost ratio.
Nearly seven out of 10 employees (69 percent) would participate in wellness programs if provided by their companies.
In order for companies to be effective in the implementation of a successful wellness environment, all company leaders should be relentless in their efforts.
Active SWV will provide technical assistance through every step of the process. Phone calls, meeting with your wellness committee, following up with monthly meetings/conference calls, mid-year assessment, and end of year review.
- Review the West Virginia Well@Work campaign:[email protected]
- Recruit 3-4 coworkers to be part of your businesses Wellness Committee.
- Complete the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Health Scorecard with your committee:
- Develop a Health Improvement Plan through the Scorecard online tool.
- Implement the objectives from the Health Improvement Plan over a year’s time.
- Evaluate and celebrate!
- Complete the CDC Worksite Health Scorecard annually.
The Active SWV Workplace Wellness program extends through Nicholas, Fayette, Raleigh, and Summers Counties to any business of any size. Each business needs manager approval and support, the formation of a wellness committee (3-4 people), and communication resources to reach all employees.
The Active SWV Workplace Wellness program utilizes an evidence based approach with the CDC Worksite Health Scorecard. This scorecard gives points based on best practices within these subjects:
Tobacco control, Nutrition, Lactation support, Physical activity, Weight management, Stress management, Depression, High blood pressure, High cholesterol, Diabetes, Signs and symptoms of heart attack and stroke, Emergency response to heart attack and stroke, Occupational health and safety, and Vaccine-preventable diseases.
Then an action plan is created by the wellness committee in the areas most needing improvement. This plan is implemented over a year’s time with action items to last for many years. The Workplace Wellness program will connect participants to the other successful Active SWV programs; Community Captains, Kids Run Clubs, Bike/Walk SWV, and special events.
Click here to view posters you can print and hang today!
Each work-site will set their own time frame to complete the one year cycle. Please allow plenty of time in the planning stage to choose achievable action items. The time frame will look something like this:
Assess: First and second month. Program introduction
Plan: Third month. Scorecard review and action plans
Implement: Fourth month. Follow through on action plans
Evaluate: Sixth month and twelfth month. Highlights, challenges, outcomes
After the first year, wellness committees can reorganize for the coming year.
If you would like to learn more about your business taking part in this program, please contact our office at (304) 254-8488 or [email protected].