MemberPlus Info Hub Webpage and MemberPlus App
Active SWV is excited to announce the launch of a new and FREE membership program using Info Hub (located on the website) and MemberPlus app (downloadable onto smart devices).
Is a new application for smartphones and tablets that will complement the MemberPlus Info Hub webpage. MemberPlus will give program participants 24/7 easy access to real-time communications from Active SWV on their mobile devices. This includes access to program updates, changes, and immediate notification of cancellations. MemberPlus will also store participants’ waiver consent. No more filling out forms on-site so participants can go right into getting active!
Sign-up for FREE membership by Dec. 15, 2023, and earn some exclusive Active SWV swag! If you have not registered by the end of the year and are not signed up for a program, no problem! You can still attend if you have not created a FREE membership account. Just allow added time prior to the start of a program, the Community Captain will help you get registered so you can easily view all Active SWV initiatives.
Frequently Asked Questions
Dive a little deeper into the what, why, who of the new Active SWV Membership Appon the FAQ page.

Start by completing your FREE membership application. You can do this as an individual or a family membership.
- Complete Membership Application
- Utilize the pop-up screen or go to your email “Account Verification Step 1” to verify your membership account by entering first name, last name, and email address. Don’t see it? Search your email for “From [email protected].”
- Return to your email inbox for the next email titled “Login Creation Step 2” to create your account login and password. Create a user name and password.
- The password must be 12 characters long and include:
- 1 – Capital Letter
- 1 – Number
- 1 – Special Character (!,#,$,*)
- An example that meets this requirement is Activeswv2023$
- The password must be 12 characters long and include:
- Once you complete this step, you will automatically be logged in the the MemberPlus InfoHub Webpage Login. You can save this website as a favorite and sign up for events!
- You can opt (and we highly recommend!) to download the MemberPlus App to register for events.
Benefits to using the app
- It’s FREE –Enjoy all the perks and advantages of our membership app without spending a dime! Get access to all things Active SWV – all at zero cost to you.
- Let the Community Captain know you’re coming –Easily inform the Community Captain you will attend a program through our app’s streamlined interface.
- Helps keep you committed to being active –Our membership app supplies the motivation you need to stay committed to an active lifestyle.