Hiring: ActiveSWV Development & Outreach VISTA Position

Active Southern West Virginia seeks to improve the health of southern West Virginians by increasing opportunities for physical activity. Our multifaceted approach includes Community Captains, trained community leaders who lead weekly physical activity groups within their communities; Kids Run Clubs, free, inclusive running programs in local elementary and middle schools; Bike Walk SWV, a program dedicated to improving the built environment with bike/walk infrastructure; Workplace Wellness, a program designed to help businesses create healthy workplaces; and the establishment of the New River Gorge Regional Health Alliance, a collaboration of various health stakeholders across county lines. All programs raise awareness about the benefits of being active, decrease barriers to good health, and help communities to change behaviors through supportive social environments.

Goal of the Project: The Active SWV Development and Outreach VISTA member will build the communication capacity of Active SWV by developing and implementing the communication plan for the organization’s physical activities and organized exercise for undeserved communities in southern West Virginia. As a result of the VISTA member’s service, residents of southern WV will improve their physical health, opportunities for residents to engage in physical activities will increase, residents will become more educated about exercise and physical activity, and sustainability within the Active SWV organization will be achieved.

Objective of the Assignment  (Period of Performance: 05/22/2017-05/23/2018) Review, assess, and audit the current communication systems used internally and externally. Provide ways of improving and updating communication systems.

Member Activity:
Step 1: Review with staff all manuals, forms, fliers, blogs, press releases, and social media posts.
Step 2: Meet with current participants and program partners to develop preferences for communication.
Step 3: Continue outreach tactics to recruit Community Captains, Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committees, Kids Run Club Coaches, Workplace Wellness sites, Health Alliance members, and event sponsors.
Step 4: Communicate with local news media to increase coverage of community events through writing enticing press releases and coordinating event coverage. 

Step 5: Maintain and expand Active SWV’s social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and website blog, drafting new original content bi-weekly.

Step 6: Provide grant research and writing assistance to each program director.

Objective of the Assignment (Period of Performance: 05/22/2017-05/23/2018) Help to build the organizational capacity of the Active Southern West Virginia organization in order to improve its effectiveness and provide sustainability beyond the VISTA project.

Member Activity:
Step 1: Coordinate regular meetings and communicate with volunteer board members and public.
Step 2: Perform research and deliver to volunteer board to better perform their duties.
Step 3: Identify resources to build organizational capacity and advise board on potential training opportunities.
Step 4: Design layout for online and print materials, such as invitations, fliers, and newsletters.
Step 5: Develop and manage innovative online fundraising campaigns.

Objective of the Assignment (Period of Performance: 05/22/2017-05/23/2018) work with the volunteer base to educate the public regarding the mission of Active Southern West Virginia and assist the organization in gathering information pertaining to its mission.
Member Activity:
Step 1: Create powerful and succinct PowerPoint presentations to promote Active SWV programs to potential donors, sponsors and partners.
Step 2: Arrange for public meetings in communities across southern WV and seek state an national channels for support.
Step 3:Train volunteers to maintain a social media presence to connect public with activities that promote healthy lifestyles.
Step 4: Coordinate volunteers gathering information from the public regarding their current outdoor activities, opportunities, obstacles and interests.
Objective of the Assignment (Period of Performance: 05/22/2017-05/23/2018) Develop system for tracking direct and indirect results of Active Southern West Virginia’s efforts for direct reporting to the public and funding partners and assessment of success in reaching the organization’s mission.
Member Activity:
Step 1: Review current systems for reporting.
Step 2: Train volunteers on how to accurately enter information into the reporting system.
Step 3: Develop standard reporting protocols and train volunteers how to create reports.

Program Benefits: choice of education award or end of service stipend,  training,  education award upon successful completion of service,  living allowance,  stipend,  relocation allowance,  health coverage. For details about AmeriCorps VISTA healthcare benefits, please visit http://www.vistacampus.gov/healthcare

Permits attendance at school during off hours when approved by supervisor,  permits working at another job during off hours when approved by supervisor,  car recommended.
Service Areas:
Education,  community and economic development,  children/youth,  community outreach,  health.
Recruitment,  conflict resolution,  leadership,  general skills,  team work,  teaching/tutoring,  communications,  community organization,  public health,  education,  youth development,  computers/technology,  fund raising/grant writing.

Panther Creek Elementary School Kids Run Club powered by ActiveSWV