Active SWV would like to introduce you to the May Community Captain of the Month, Vickie Aliff. Vickie is the woman behind the camera posting all the amazing hiking trail videos on the Active SWV Bulletin Board Facebook page. Let’s learn a little more about Vickie and her passion for hiking and teaching.

Tell us about yourself.
I am a retired (2011) music teacher where I taught at Cranberry-Prosperity Elementary School for 34 years. I have a son who is 32 years old and is a CO at Beckley Correctional Center. I live in Beckley within walking distance of my childhood homes. Along with walking I also love to read. I thoroughly enjoy the outdoors whether I am walking, hiking, riding my motorcycle, or just doing yard work.
Why are you active?
I am active because of who I am. I have always been very active all of my life. In childhood, we spent our time playing, exploring, or helping out around the house. It is just a part of me. I have a sense of accomplishment when “my goals” for the day are met. Many of the trails I walk have been a part of my family history. I visit Thurmond, Concho, Minden, Fayette Station, etc. and move back to my memories of my childhood and the stories my family has shared with me.

Why is being active a priority for you?
I believe an idle body makes an idle mind. By staying active, I keep my mind busy while enjoying life to the fullest. I look upon experiences as “new life adventures”. My books taking into my mind’s imagination. My other activities keep my mind sharp and my body healthier.
What motivated you to volunteer with Active SWV in your community?
I was motivated to volunteer with Active SWV for a couple of reasons. First, my love of walking and hiking to see God’s wonderful world played a part. I wanted to share what my eyes see when walking the trails. Secondly, I am still a teacher at heart. I like to learn about the trails and share my knowledge with others. To even educate them on how to read the park signs to come back again on their own is part of my teaching. Lastly, I hope to instill a love of our great trail systems we have in our area along with its rich history. There is so much to seen, learned and enjoyed in Southern West Virginia.
How do you stay motivated during this time?
My hiking has almost become an obsession. If I don’t hike, I am not happy. It is a release of tension for me. A time to clear my mind and enjoy what is around me. My dog is my faithful companion who also loves to walk. Our adventures keep us happy.
Do you have any words of encouragement for people trying to stay physically active while practicing physical distancing?
There is light at the end of the tunnel for this terrible virus upon us. I am not a person to stay on a regimented exercise program unless I am in a group. Hiking is enjoyable to me even if I do it alone. Active SWV has many different programs from which to choose. Look at them all and decide what you can do now without having a group there with you. Stay strong. Stay safe.
When this is all over why do you think someone should join an Active SWV free program?
There are a number of reasons someone should join an Active SWV free program when social distancing is in the past. Active SWV programs give each of us the opportunity to meet new people. Comradery is built between everyone in the group. A second reason is doing an activity we enjoy. There is plenty of various activities from which to choose. What better way to keep our minds active, our bodies healthy, and enjoy friendship than to participate in an Active SWV free program?