Active SWV would like to introduce you to our May Participants of the Month; Josh, Natasha, Isaac, and Evelynn. We have been following the Jones family on social media and seeing all the fun and active adventures the family has been on during this time of physical distancing. Let’s learn a little more about what keeps them moving.

Tell us a little about your family.
Natasha: “Our family consists of myself, my 10 year old son, Isaac, my husband, Josh, and our 3 year-old daughter, Evelynn. Josh and I have been together 8 years and were married this past October.”
Tell us a little about your family.
Natasha: “Our family consists of myself, my 10 year old son, Isaac, my husband, Josh, and our 3 year-old daughter, Evelynn. Josh and I have been together 8 years and were married this past October.”

Why are you active? Why is being active a priority for your family?
“I have always enjoyed nature and being outside. It is one of the things that Josh and I have in common and we are instilling it in our kids. We have always been active. When Isaac was five, we drove to the Grand Canyon and camped there for three days. Isaac was a champ back then as well. He hiked a mile down into the Canyon and back and Evelynn is following suit. When I come home for work she points at her shoes ready to go on a walk or hike. We hiked out to Long Point a few weeks ago and she made it there and back almost completely on her own. Isaac loves riding his bike or scooter on roadways or the rail trail, and enjoys finding the perfect walking stick in the woods. Being outside and active is and has been a priority for us. Even at home, if it is nice we are playing in the back yard or working in the garden.”
How do you and your family stay motivated during this time?
“Motivation is difficult. It is easier when it is nicer because we will walk or go outside everyday, keeping our social distance of course. On the cold or wet days we are trying new things at home such as yoga. It is real easy just to sit on the couch and binge Netflix or watch videos on your phone, but we know that sets a bad example for the kids. So instead of just encouraging them to put down the phone and play outside, we try to lead by example.”

Do you have any words of encouragement for families trying to stay physically active while practicing physical distancing?
“Social distancing is hard but so very important! Find something you enjoy doing. When we aren’t able to go outside we’ve been planning and planting seeds to start our garden for the year. Going outside, even for a walk, is not only physically healthy, but is also mentally and emotionally refreshing as well.”
When this is all over why do you think a family should join an Active SWV free program?
“We joined a walking club in Oak Hill a few years back and it was great. You meet so many good people, and it is easier to motivate yourself to do things if you know others you like will be there. Josh tore up his knee and he used to run all the time. He can’t run anymore, but he can bike. We got each other bikes for Christmas so he wants to start a bike group through Active SWV here in Oak Hill once this is over. We encourage everyone to get out and participate in Active SWV’s programs. Active SWV has something for everybody, and everybody has something that they can do to be active.”