Before Covid-19, Stephanie Hill was attending the REFIT at Central Headstart in Beckley 2-3 days a week for the last year and a half. Active SWV Community Captains have tried new and inventive ways to keep participants engaged during this time by providing resources and virtual programs. We wanted to chat with our participant to see how she is adapting to the new virtual programming.
Stephanie said she did enjoy the virtual REFIT programs and playlists the Community Captains have provided participants, but the “Live” virtual programs are “way better because there is a social aspect and accountability that she needs”. These “Live” events are recorded in real time and participants join online at the same time.
Stephanie said she misses in-person programs because it gave her a place to go, get active, and have fun. “It was like a party; we dance, laugh, and there is an energy in the room”. She said most of these things you can get through the virtual live events, but there is a different atmosphere. One of the other struggles she found with virtual programs is technical difficulties depending on devices used to participate or internet connection, but the Community Captains have adapted and found effective ways to work through those challenges.
When asked if she was ready to start back to in-person programs she said, “Yes!”. Since starting REFIT, her health has improved tremendously. Stephanie reports a better range of motion and that it helped open her up more to socially connect with people.
Stephanie said there are a few things that have not changed with REFIT becoming virtual; the positive speaking, positive attitudes, and encouragement are still the same in every class. “It’s good to know you are not alone in this. If you have never been to a REFIT class the last 5 minutes everyone joins pinkies to do some mindfulness with positive thoughts, and this tradition continues in virtual classes. Everyone holds their pinkies up to the screen to focus on positive and encouraging statements.”
Active SWV supported REFIT online classes are available through the month of June. View the website calendar here and Facebook event pages. In the month of June, REFIT will be showcasing a special online workout to promote the Move Your Waysm campaign.

Move Your Waysm helps people make small changes that can lead to big health benefits. In the long term, regular physical activity can help prevent chronic health problems like type 2 diabetes. In the short term, even small increases in physical activity can boost mood, reduce stress, and improve sleep.
So, join us in promoting our local Move Your Waysm campaign. By spreading the word that physical activity is something everyone can do, you can help people in our community get more active and live longer, healthier lives.
Find an Active SWV free program near you and start increasing your movement with our trained volunteers and supportive group exercise.
- Adults – Need moderate-intensity aerobic activity for 150 minutes a week and muscle strengthening activities 2 days a week.
- Teens and kids – Teens and kids ages 6 to 17 need 60 minutes of activity every day. Most of their 60 minutes can be moderate-intensity aerobic activity; anything that gets their heart beating faster counts. And at least 3 days a week, encourage them to step it up to vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, so they’re breathing fast and their heart is pounding.
As part of their daily 60 minutes, kids and teens also need: Muscle-strengthening activity at least 3 days a week Anything that makes their muscles work harder counts, like climbing or swinging on the monkey bars. Bone-strengthening activity at least 3 days a week. Bones need pressure to get stronger. Running, jumping, and other weight-bearing activities all count.