A Natural Partnership
Sprouting Farms became a partner with Active SWV in 2019 with an interest in providing free physical activity programs on their property. Community Captain Adam Craig offered monthly yoga in the greenhouse this winter and spring. Farm walks are currently being offered. The grant funds will help to purchase exercises equipment; jump ropes, yoga mates, pedometers, water bottles, hoola hoops, and frisbees. “We will use equipment for our yoga classes, farm walks, kids’ events, and free giveaways to the community at our Community Captain events,” shares Beth Villars.

A Step in the Right Direction
The grant funds are intended to support safe places for people to be active for free. The awardee agrees to provide access to a volunteer Community Captain to lead a physical activity on their property on a weekly basis for free. The $1,000 grant funds can be used to help offset the costs with utilities, cleaning, security, and supplies for the public to access. Visit the full calendar of free activities here.

Get Involved
Sprouting Farms website and Facebook page. Community days are often offered including group farm walks. Individuals are welcome to apply to be volunteer Active SWV Community Captains to offer activities of their choice at this beautiful venue. Please contact Community Captain Director, [email protected].