Brenda Grigsby of Charleston – December Participant of the Month
Brenda is a frequent REFIT participant, and recently reached out to share what the program means to her.
Brenda is a retiree in her sixties, and says that the REFIT program at her church, Tabernacle of Praise in Kanawha County, has been a “godsend” for her. She knows the importance of staying active but says “knowing is much easier than doing.”
Being able to attend a physical activity program that is fun, free, and in a safe location gives Brenda the motivation she needs to continue her exercise program. “We have a great group that meets every Tuesday evening at 6:30 in our church fellowship hall,” says Brenda. “Not only do I get physical benefits but also some social benefits too.”
Brenda describes the REFIT program as a “win-win” and highly recommends it to everyone!
To see the many ways and places you can become active, check our website calendar.
If you are interested in offering your place of worship for free programming, or to become a volunteer Community Captain, email [email protected] to get started.