Building on 2022 success in 2023
The Active SWV Community Captain volunteers drove programming to new heights in 2022. Passionate and caring individuals from all over West Virginia partnered with Active SWV to offer free physical activities in their communities.
In their own words, here are the benefits ASWV Community Captains see to volunteering:
“The people. I love our participants, our team, Active, and the support we receive from the community. When you have people cheering you on, it’s easy to keep doing what you love.”
“Friendships made, feeling of accountability, giving back because the first community captain led activity I attended was so impactful to me that I want to give others the chance to feel the same.”
“I think anytime someone puts their health first is a success story, but numerous times this year we heard how fun working out could be, how they felt like they were making new friends and that their lab reports were the best they’d been in years!”
“When I led the Kaymoor Stairs group in the spring, several people came out to experience the stairs for the first time who either had been nervous to try them alone or wasn’t sure how to find them. It felt good to offer a safe method of exploration for those folks.”
“The free Mat Pilates Classes in the Oak Hill Amphitheater was a huge hit this year. Each class we had between 6-12 people. One week we had a mix of the active aging, young whipper snappers, a 7 month pregnant woman, a lady recovering from a car accident, a beginner to Pilates, and a Pilates Teacher. It was the most diverse group and we were able to explore Pilates movements with modifications for those who needed them and advancements for those who wanted more challenge. It was the most fun I’ve had teaching a class in a long time!”
“I have enjoyed showing life long West Virginians historic trails they were totally unaware of.”
Have you ever wanted to try something new? Help others while finding a sense of community? Bring more access to healthy activities to your community? Active SWV is here to help! New volunteers and partnerships are always welcome.
Email [email protected] to get involved!
Stay informed with what our amazing team of volunteers has to offer in 2023 by checking our website calendar.
See success stories from Community Captains programming here.