Active SWV May Participant of the month, Katie Kull
Katie is originally from Asheville, NC, but went to college in Tennessee and lived in Vermont and Missouri before moving to West Virginia in 2020. Katie is a member of our Fayetteville Running Group, led by Community Captain Beth Hudspeth. The group meets at 6:30 pm on Wednesday evenings at Arrowhead Bike Farm, but the location changes every few months so runners can experience different roads and trails. Follow the group on Facebook for updates – Active SWV Running Group.
Katie loves to walk, hike, and do other outdoor activities. Besides the physical benefits of being active, there is always something new to discover or notice when outdoors. Katie started looking into more of the Active SWV programs to learn new activities (like SUP!) and recommit to habits she knows make her feel happier and healthier (like running!).
Katie says, “Other people help me stay motivated — shoutout to Beth Hudspeth in particular — as well as the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction when I’ve done something challenging that I wasn’t sure I could do.” Being active is a priority for Katie because there are a lot of places she wants to go and things she’d like to do in life that won’t be possible if she doesn’t build good habits now!
Katie thinks you should join an Active SWV free program because “You’ll meet really wonderful people, learn something new, challenge yourself, and have fun doing it!”
To see what Katie is talking about, check our website calendar for a list of all our free activities.

Katie accomplishing race goals!
Katie proudly accepting second place in the 2023 Run the Summit 10K Race. This Active SWV Race is designed for first time racers and seasoned runners alike. Awards are given in 10 year age groups enabling racers to strive for the podium places! Learn more about upcoming Active SWV Signature Races on the webpage and Facebook group page Active SWV Races.