Active Places: Embrace the New Year with Exciting Activities for a Healthier You  

New Year with Active SWV

At the onset of a brand-new year, many of us aspire to enhance our physical well-being and embrace a more active lifestyle. Active SWV invites you to embark on this journey by setting a goal to participate in our diverse range of programs, fostering a vibrant community dedicated to physical fitness. 

One of the most exhilarating aspects of the new year is the opportunity to explore activities that might be entirely new to you. Whether it’s joining running groups in Beckley and Fayetteville, hiking through the picturesque landscapes of Greenbrier County, indulging in yoga sessions in Charleston, or enjoying leisurely walks in Webster County, there’s a plethora of activities to suit various interests. Not to mention a multitude of other offerings showcased in our program flyer. 

Setting Goals 

Setting goals acts as a guiding light on the path to success. By establishing clear objectives, we pave the way for a more focused and purposeful journey toward a healthier lifestyle. These goals not only fuel our determination but also serve as constant reminders of our aspirations.

According to a study out of the University of California, people who write down their goals, share them with others, and establish action-based accountability are 33% more likely to achieve their goals compared to those who simply set goals without these additional steps. This statistic emphasizes the significant impact that setting specific, written goals and creating accountability measures can have on goal achievement.

Participating in group activities holds incredible value in maintaining motivation and staying accountable. The camaraderie and support found within these groups create an environment that nurtures individual growth. With friendly, caring groups at Active SWV programs, success isn’t just an individual pursuit; it’s a collective celebration of each other’s achievements. 

New Membership Platform

To make attending events more accessible and seamless, we are thrilled to introduce our new free membership software – the Info Hub and Memberplus. This innovative platform streamlines the process of joining activities, making it easier for members to stay updated and engaged in our free programs. 

As we step into the new year, let’s embrace the opportunity to try new activities, set achievable goals, and benefit from the motivational power of group participation. Join us at Active SWV programming and embark on a journey toward a fitter, healthier, and more fulfilling lifestyle. 

Learn more about the Info Hub and Memberplus, Active SWV’s new membership platform here.