Active SWV seeks for everyone to enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle. Populations are targeted who face the greatest economic and social barriers. Improving health outcomes through policy and behavioral change will strengthen community and economic development.
Positions are unique to the needs of the organization and responsibilities are flexible based on the skill set of top candidates. Training and professional development are provided on a continual basis. Each position is considered part of the staff team for unified organizational success.
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First of all, it is a team effort among staff, board members, partners, funders, and volunteers to bring health education, programs, and events to individuals across West Virginia.
Secondly, each employee, board member, and volunteer is provided the necessary tools to have a work-life balance, equitable professional development, and ownership in the development of programs and projects.
Maybe we better say what does the typical month look like because the day to day routine varies throughout the months and seasons in West Virginia.
The work is a blend of facilitating volunteers through programs and events, discussions with partners to refine solutions and overcome challenges, and producing written content and presentations to support the recruitment, training, mentoring, and retention of volunteers.
The staff positions are a perfect blend of independent research and writing with team work to develop programs. This is balanced with the in-person engagement of volunteers and participants at programs, events, presentations, and fundraisers.
Active SWV founders recognized that West Virginia was struggling with heart disease, diabetes, short life expectancy, drug abuse, and obesity. Public and private partners came together to support this non-profit organization, focused on improving those statistics and assisting local communities to improve health, increase activity, and become the model for active living.
The New River Gorge Regional Development Authority helped launch Active Southern West Virginia as a non-profit, region-wide initiative to motivate area residents, businesses, schools and local governments to make physical activity a personal and regional priority. A healthy and active community will attract new businesses, tourism, and jobs while developing a proud culture of wellness and physical activity in southern West Virginia.
“The faculty and staff at Sutton Elementary School has totally embraced the workplace wellness idea! We have several teachers that have lost weight, a group that is now walking, and you see our water bottles on almost every desk! Health and wellness signs are up in our elevator, hallways, and teacher mailbox area. Every Friday, the PE teacher is doing a yoga class and the staff receives a weekly exercise and yoga video.”
Every month a Community Captain and participant are selected to share their story of getting involved with Active SWV, the impact it has made, and why they feel it is important for others to try.
“A commitment to Active SWV is a commitment to yourself. When I promise someone else I’ll be somewhere to do something, I’m committed to showing up. Once I show up, I always feel better and I’m glad I did it”. -Joe Jett, Community Captain
Job positions with Active SWV are based in facilitation and communication.
Active SWV newsletters have all the latest information and updates you need to stay current. Read what’s new in our Community Captain, Workplace Wellness, Active Places, and Kids Run Club programs. We will also fill you in on events, volunteer opportunities, health and nutrition tips, and partner news. Sign up today!