Fall Mini-grant Roundup
The fall 2023 cycle of the Kids Run Club Mini-grant is now closed, and we would like to take a moment to congratulate all of this season’s recipients.
A total of sixteen schools received the mini-grant this fall, with five new to the program and eleven returning.
Congratulations to our returning schools including Hinton Area Elementary, Sophia Christian Academy, Mt. Nebo Elementary, Kanawha City Elementary, Ridgeview Elementary, Morgantown Early Learning Facility, Nichols Elementary, Richmond Elementary, Bluefield Intermediate, Panther Creek Elementary, and Hilltop Elementary.
Congratulations to our NEW schools including New River Intermediate, Baileysville Elementary/Middle School, Keyser Middle, Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary, and Chamberlain Elementary.
These schools kicked off their Kids Run Club seasons in September, and will run for 6-8 weeks until they all finish off with an and of season Fun Run.
Kids Run Clubs Through the Years
The program has been going strong since it began in 2015, and it’s still such an exciting moment anytime a new school joins in. Over 50 schools spanning 17 counties in West Virginia have had a Kids Run Club, and we hope to keep growing those numbers in the seasons to come.
Spring 2024 Kids Run Club mini-grant
The spring cycle of the mini-grant will open at the end of February 2024 for schools who are ready to start or continue their Kids Run Club that spring. You can find the application on our website when it is live.
Do you have questions about eh Kids Run Club program, or want to learn more about how to get started? Email Youth Program Director India to learn more ([email protected]).