New Active SWV Workplace Wellness Director Laura Baker
Laura will be working full time at our Beckley office and out meeting with businesses to facilitate the Active Southern West Virginia Workplace Wellness program.
Laura will be working full time at our Beckley office and out meeting with businesses to facilitate the Active Southern West Virginia Workplace Wellness program.
This program will provide structure and support for a multi-year approach to increase physical activity in the workplace by utilizing a score card to measure results.
Active Southern West Virginia partners with government, higher education, business, and regional parks to improve the health and economy of southern West Virginia.
This program provides structure and support for a multi-year approach to increase physical activity in the workplace by utilizing a score card to measure results.
Active Southern West Virginia develops activities and programming to create a culture of exercise and physical activity in southern West Virginia.
Active Southern West Virginia knows the importance of improving the health of our current and future workforce.
Thank you for the interest in starting the Active Southern West Virginia Workplace Wellness program at your place of employment. You are probably curious to learn more about the Why, How, Who, What, and When of the program.
Active Southern West Virginia, in partnership with The New River Gorge Regional Development Authority, The West Virginia Bureau of Public Health, and the Beckley-Raleigh County Chamber of Commerce, is announced the new Active SWV Workplace Wellness Pilot Program at the Regional Economic Summit on November 17th.
For me, exercise is a lot like washing the dishes. Sometimes you don’t want to do it, but you always feel better after you do…
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