Employees See Personal Progress During Workplace Wellness Challenge
Last month, Region 1 Partners in Action celebrated the end of an 8 week Metabolic Age Wellness Challenge. Each week, participating employees would have their metabolic age measured.
Last month, Region 1 Partners in Action celebrated the end of an 8 week Metabolic Age Wellness Challenge. Each week, participating employees would have their metabolic age measured.
Did you know Active Southern West Virginia has a whole program dedicated to bringing wellness to workplaces? Yep, and at no cost. Active SWV offers training, resources, and technical assistance to help create your workplace wellness program.
Active SWV’s Workplace Wellness Program helps employers in southern West Virginia improve the health of employees by introducing healthy initiatives into the workplace.
We have some exciting wellness initiatives in the works with the Active Southern West Virginia Workplace Wellness Programs for 2020!
Welcome to the 5th Active Southern West Virginia Volunteer Appreciation Awards! Thank you to our hosts at the Summit Bechtel Reserve, live music by “One For the Road”, and the staff at Active Southern West Virginia.
The Active SWV Workplace Wellness participating site, Region 1 Workforce, is back at it again, investing in their greatest asset, their employees.
The temperature drops and so does our motivation. But here are six quick tips to keep the momentum going and how to stay active this fall.
It’s exciting to announce West Virginia’s first Work@Health certified employers!
Active Southern West Virginia is officially half-way through our 2019, Workplace Wellness Spring into Summer Challenge and is pleased to announce the winners for the first three weeks.
Have you heard of intuitive eating? It has nothing to do with diets, restrictions, weight loss, meal plans, or will power.
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Active SWV newsletters have all the latest information and updates you need to stay current. Read what’s new in our Community Captain, Workplace Wellness, Active Places, and Kids Run Club programs. We will also fill you in on events, volunteer opportunities, health and nutrition tips, and partner news. Sign up today!