Application Open! Active SWV to award 40 grants of $1,000
Calling all workplaces: Active SWV in partnership with WV Health Promotion and Chronic Disease will award 40 grants across West Virginia.
Calling all workplaces: Active SWV in partnership with WV Health Promotion and Chronic Disease will award 40 grants across West Virginia.
Active Southern West Virginia values safe places to be active and bringing awareness to opportunities to be physically active within walking distance of neighborhoods and communities.
The Active SWV team wishes Becka Lee all the best in her personal pursuits as she leaves the position of Volunteer Director.
Active Southern West Virginia seeks to improve the health of southern West Virginians by increasing opportunities for physical activity.
The City of Mount Hope has applied to be recognized as a Bicycle Friendly Community through the League of American Bicyclists. For the past year, the Active Southern West Virginia’s Pedestrian, Bicycle and Trail coordinator has focused his efforts in Mount Hope to make the community more accommodating for bicyclists and pedestrians.
“Tai Chi is considered a part of Chinese medicine, that promotes the flow of Qi (Chi) or Vital Energy through the meridians, restoring and improving Health in the body!”
A Complete Streets Policy is aimed at improving safety and connectivity throughout the city.
The goal of the Active Southern West Virginia Pedestrian, Bike, Trail Coordinator; Andrew Davis, is to engage in the development of a connected network of pedestrian infrastructure in Mount Hope, WV whereby both a the town’s population and tourists may exercise, walk, run, hike, and bike in a safe environment.
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